That parallel moto shot of Cort sprinting to the win was perfect. Cort vs Gee in the last couple of days will be fun to watch

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Thank you! I greatly appreciate knowing where to go to watch these races. I’d love to add flow bikes to my Max and NBC Sports, but it seems like there’s only a handful of races this spring that I’m going to miss on flow bikes. I hate to spend $150 just to watch a handful of races.

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For me, Flo is worth the money because I use it to watch races while abroad at races (with a Canadian-based VPN), but, if you aren’t doing that, Tiz’s live stream (just google that) for the Flanders Classics races is probably a better option.

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I was able to find Omloop on Youtube. whoever broadcast that race on YouTube switched between English and flemish twice. but that was OK, I was thankful I got to watch it. Thanks for all your help Spencer!

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Will you guys tell us where we can bet on these races again this year? I’m struggling to find a place to be on these races. I had a ball doing it last year and won more than I lost.

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I couldn’t find any US book that was taking bets for Omloop, but generally FanDuel is the best option (gamble responsibly and consider it consumption, not an investment).

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fan due is what I use, it’s just a shame. It’s so limited with bike racing. If you hear of any others that are doing more in the future, let me know. Thank you!

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